Kito Arcaida

DESC. My main fursona since ~2022!!! I love him so so much. also the main alias for my music
GENDER male, he/him, sometimes they/them
AGE 21 (ages with me)
SPECIES cat / dog / vampire / zombie / angel / demon
LIKES music, sleep, video games, the internet, going out
DISLIKES heat, mirrors, tight clothing
SCENT light body odor



DESC. Amateur dancer + music artist that often lets his emotions get in the way with his work, and gets frustrated with himself easily.
GENDER male, he/him
AGE 143
SPECIES zombie reindeer
LIKES melodic dubstep, sour candies, build-a-bear, christmas
DISLIKES not much
SCENT copper and peppermint



DESC. kidnapped and experimented on to become the living essence of hardcore sound. he later broke free and now feeds off of sound waves to live
GENDER male, he/him
AGE ???
SPECIES mutant jackal
LIKES distorted, loud sounds
DISLIKES medical things/settings, silence
SCENT acetone and rubber


Rosy Skies

DESC. Princess Celestia's official messenger pony, travels all around equestria and beyond to deliver various messages
GENDER male, he/him
AGE late 20s
SPECIES pegasus
LIKES flying, sunsets, seasides, travel, learning about different cultures, his baby dragon assisstant
DISLIKES thunderstorms, high winds
SCENT roses
