So, the other day, almost the entirety of southeastern Texas had snow. A lot of snow. Last time this happened to us was back when I was still a baby, so somewhere between 2003-2005. It gets icy and chilly, but snow is never heard of, and even though a lot of people were excited about this miracle (I was too), I still felt such a horrible taste in the back of my throat at the very thought of my future if this were to become the norm.
It feels symbolic that such an event happened so close to the inaguration. I can't describe the amount of rage and hatred in my heart when I think about how our planet is so, so utterly fucked. These next 4 years are going to be most likely the worst times I'll have to live through politically and socially. The people in charge are activley rolling back so much progress on everything, and every day comes a dose of confusion, or hope, or anger.
Not much I can do about it in the moment, so I take pretty pictures.
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