spring bonnie holding a cake HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSSARY, FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S!



kito gif


Welcome to hazure03.neocities.org! the homepage is still a WIP (like most of the site lol) so this is just a temp message while I get everything ready
Check out the About Me page if you'd like to learn more about me. If any elements on the site aren't working quite right id appriciate it a ton if u could let me know

P.S. i hope me highlighting everything in red has the same effect as when hirohiko araki does it LOLOLOL

New blog post!!!

why am i here..?


i first started out posting my art to tumblr, deviantart and then eventually instagram. i had about 600 followers and had a nice little community i was a part in. i enjoyed it well enough, but often found myself exhausted from trying to keep up with others. i'd compare myself to other people's artwork, fashion, and even lives.

after instagram's decision to force artists to allow their ai to train on their own artwork, i decided to finally leave and create a space for myself that only i can control.in my own little corner of the internet, im not in constant worry if my platform will become unsafe for artists. I became heavily inspired from others on neocities and aspire to help curate a community on the web that belongs to users instead of coorporations

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